
Kassie is now offering Reflexology sessions!

Kassie is now offering Reflexology sessions!

What is Reflexology?

Omaha friends, you may have heard of reflexology or seen some crazy looking charts with internal organs drawn all over the feet and hands, thinking “what’s that all about?” Well, let me explain…


Reflexology is a type of massage that involves applying different amounts of pressure to specific points on the feet and hands, and sometimes the ears. The theory basis for reflexology is that there are certain “reflex areas” on the feet, hands, and ears that are connected to specific organs and body parts energetically. The reasoning behind the treatment, is that applying pressure in these areas can promote the natural healing process of the associated organ or body area. For example, the tips of the toes reflect the head, around the ball of the foot – the heart and chest, the arch of the foot – the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, and the heel – low back and intestines.


Many people seek reflexology for stress related conditions, tension headaches, migraines, digestive issues, arthritis, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, menstrual disorders, and chronic pain. When scheduling a session for reflexology, it is beneficial to fill out your health history questionnaire honestly. This information will help ensure your session is tailored to your needs. I may use tools such as balls, rods, and dowels in addition to my hands. Don’t worry if you’re ticklish, the amount of pressure that is applied during your session should be enough to prevent a giggle spell, but I also need to know if any of the points make you uncomfortable as well.


Reflexology can be a wonderful first step or addition to a care plan in addressing a slew of conditions. I’m happy to be offering a 30 minute stand alone reflexology session or you have the option of coming in for a blissful 90 minutes also. My 90 minute sessions will include 30 minutes of reflexology and then an additional 60 minutes of swedish massage to relax you. Omaha massage friends, I can’t wait to share my love for reflexology with you!

-Kassie Romey

Kelly Langfeldt

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